Happy Monday! I'm off to the Texas Library Association Conference this week and I am VERY excited! I'll show you all the fabulous authors I meet and all the awesome books I get!

Genre: Fantasy
AR level: none
Grade appropriate: 3rd and up
Overall: 3/5-- A sweet fantasy based around a magic library. The entrance to the library is never in the same place, but when you are needed, the library finds you. Three cousins travel through the library to medieval times to go on a quest to help the queen.
Creativity: 3/5-- This book follows in the tradition of Narnia with the exception that these children travel into an actual past whereas in Narnia they travel to a different fantasy world.
Characters: 4/5-- Likeable, relatable.
Engrossing: 3/5-- It was great in the beginning, which is a big deal. Hook me in 4 chapters or I’m out of here. But in the middle it got slow and I didn’t want to pick it back up.
Writing: 5/5-- Slow middle...
Appeal to kids: 3/5-- Perfect for fans of Narnia. I would have loved this book as a kid. No disturbing violence or suspense. But not a lot of edge of your seat adventure either. Might be a hard sell to those who don’t already know what they like.
Appropriate length to tell the story: 2/5-- I was ready for it to end. I was ready to move on to another book.
Language: none
Sexuality: none
Violence: mild-- The children face dragons and a very bad villain and are in real danger.
Drugs/Alcohol: none-- The dwarf they travel with has a pipe and smokes herbs. One of the children has to smoke dragon’s bane in the pipe to lull the dragons to sleep.
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