great book about Mai who goes to Vietnam, against her will, to be with
her elderly grandmother for the summer. A great coming of age story.
favorite quote: “When you can complain out loud, I know you're still
strong. When your pain has advanced beyond lament, when it's unbearable
to hear your own story, that's when I know to truly worry. Though hidden
in silence, your pain would still surface on your breaths, your eyes,
your pores, I will know. Take long inhales, my child, you are more
bendable than you realize.”
The love story of Mai’s grandparents is so beautiful!
Genre: Realistic
AR level: 5.3
appropriate: 5th and up. I don’t normally do this, but I’m going to
advertise it as a “girls’ book.” The body awareness will be very
familiar to girls, but not appropriate for boys.
Overall: 4/5-- A sweet book. A real contender for the Newbery Award, this WILL be on our Mock Newbery list. Last year's list
5/5-- It’s not like most of the other books out there right now. But
then again, it’s about growing up and family and friends. It’s universal
while still being set in an exotic location.
Characters: 5/5-- Mai, the main character, grows so much throughout the book. Real character development!
3/5-- This is the kicker for me. I started reading it and, while it was
good, I wasn’t excited about picking it back up each time. Just not as
Writing: 5/5
Appeal to kids: 3/5-- I don’t think this is going to be one they are lining up for, but it’s a shame. Great book.
Appropriate length to tell the story: 5/5
Language: none
mild-- Mai's friend is in a bathing suit & there is much discussion
about her body. Mai and the Vietnamese girls talk about underwear. One
girl, trying to get a boy’s attention, flips up her skirt to show her
Violence: none
Drugs/Alcohol: mild-- the adults drink cognac & 7-up.
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