Monday, October 27, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

To learn more about It's Monday! What Are You Reading? visit Mentor Texts

This is a book from our new modified Newbery Possibles List.

Genre: Realistic
AR level: none yet
Grade appropriate: 3rd and up (even 2nd if they are capable of reading it.)

Overall: 5/5-- I loved this book! Sweet and triumphant. As a parent I could identify with the parents who just want their child to be normal, but I also rooted for Gladys and her passion for cooking and gourmet food.

Creativity: 5/5-- The author was a magazine editor and realized that she never met many of her freelance writers face-to-face. She realized that if they were a good enough she could be publishing articles written by a child! Great idea for a book!
Characters: 5/5-- Loved Gladys and Sandy! Would have loved to be friends with them as a kid.

Engrossing: 5/5-- Absolutely! Just a pleasant read from beginning to end.

Writing: 5/5-- great! didn’t get in the way of the story.

Appeal to kids: 5/5-- Kids who loved Poppy Pendle are going to love this one too!

Appropriate length to tell the story: 5/5

Language: none
Sexuality: none
Violence: none
Drugs/Alcohol: none

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